Chapter 7




Class Notes:


Links: : Video on ADHD : Video on Concerta ADHD QUIZ


·         Characteristics of ADHD

4-12% of all school age children are diagnosed with ADHD

3 times more boys than girls

o   Inattention—inability to concentrate

o   Impulsiveness—acts without thinking

o   Hyperactivity—constant motor activity

Some students will have a combination of these behaviors

·         Symptoms of ADHD

o   Severity—frequent and worse than other children at same developmental age

o   Early onset—present before age 7

o   Duration--   persists for at least 6 months

·         Symptoms of ADHD at different ages

o   Young children—excessive gross motor activity

o   Elementary-age—restless, talk too much

o   Adolescents—more hyperactive

o   Adults—organizational problems

·         Assessments

o   Types of ADHD (p.222 Table 7.1)

§  ADHD-IA: Primarily inattentive 5%

§  ADHD-HI: Primarily hyperactive and impulsive 15%

§  ADHD-C:  Combination of ADHD-IA and ADHD-HI 80%

o   Rating Scales—

§  Most commonly used assessment strategy/perhaps the most effectrive

§  Based on report of behavior by teachers and parents (by observation)

§  Categories p.225—auditory comprehension, spoken language, orientation, behavior, motor skills

o   Eligibility of children with ADHD for special services

§  Fall under OHI (other health impaired) category (p.227)

§  Some children may be eligible for classification under another category—LD, ED

§  Children may be eligible for 504 Services

o   Implications of the law for children with ADHD

o   Increase in the number of children identified with ADHD

o   Educational settings for students with ADHD

§  Most of the students are in the gen ed setting

§  OHI breakdown

·         General ed 50%

·         Resource room 30%

·         Separate classrooms 15%

·         Other place ment4%

o   Response to Intervention with students with ADHD

o   Response to Intervention and eligibility of students with ADHD

·         Treatments for ADHD

o   Multimodal treatment—combines:

§  Effective ed instruction

§  Behavior management strategies

§  Family/child counseling

§  Home management

§  Medication

o   Medication

§  Psycho stimulant medications—most widely used, produce neurotransmitters that student would otherwise lack

o   Alternative therapies

§  Feingold diet—remove preservatives from the diet

§  Controlling blood sugar levels

§  Medication for allergies

·         Methods for teaching students with ADHD

o   Increasing attention

§  Coming to attention

§  Focusing attention

§  Sustaining attention

o   Managing Impulsivity—adapting curriculum to the needs of the student helping with time management

o   Reducing Hyperactivity—allowing student to move as part of lesson plan, go places-library, use computers

·         Accommodations for the General Ed Classroom

o   Limited distractions

o   Increase attention

o   Improve organization skills

o   Improve listening skills

o   Help with time management

o   Provide opportunities for movement

·         Related Neurodevelopmental conditions

o   Asperger’s Syndrome

§  Problems with social skills

§  May have appropriate academic skills

§  Reluctant to accept change—like routine and structure

§  Included under ASAD structure in 1997

§  Affect verbal and nonverbal communication

o   Autism Spectrum Disorder

§  Autism

§  Asperger’s syndrome

§  Pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)

§  Rett’s Syndrome

§  Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

o   Nonverbal Learning Disorders—can  function in schools but have trouble with social skills